Ally Harness
Exercise Science, Pre-PT

Class Year: 2026
Hometown: Olney, Illinois
Why did you choose to attend UE?
I instantly fell in love with the small campus and welcoming community. I come from a smaller town, so I felt like UE would be the place that made me feel the most at home, and it has been. I was also looking for a university that encourages campus involvement. UE has so many amazing opportunities to get involved, and I can safely say that I am benefiting because of this.
Did you visit campus before choosing UE?
I visited at the end of April my senior year of high school, so it was very last minute, but I am so appreciative of the Office of Admission during this time. I was incredibly stressed about making my college decision, but once I visited, I instantly knew that UE was where I was supposed to be. Everyone made me feel welcome, and I loved the feel of campus. My tour of UE contributed immensely to my college decision. The people I met, the opportunities with campus involvement and my degree, and the overall look and feel of campus solidified my decision.
What activities or organizations have you been involved with at UE? How have these impacted your college career?
At UE, I am involved in Exercise Science Club, Physical Therapy Club, Admission Ambassadors, Orientation Leaders, and Alpha Omicron Pi. My involvement within organizations at UE have allowed me to meet so many people that I may not have gotten the opportunity to know personally. These organizations have given me friendships and connections that I know will last a lifetime. I have gained leadership and social skills that I will continue to use for the rest of my life. Being an Admission Ambassador and Orientation Leader, I get to give back to the University that I love while also helping prospective students/new students with their journey.
How has your program shaped and prepared you for a future career?
I am grateful that I received a direct-entry spot for the Physical Therapy program. This was also a major reason that I attended UE. The 3+3 track will let me receive my Doctor of Physical Therapy a year earlier than normal. For my undergraduate degree, I am required to take eight credit hours of an internship course. This has encouraged me to look for opportunities within the community and build professional relationships. I am currently working as a Rehab Tech at a clinic through Deaconess, and this is preparing me immensely because of the professional relationships I am building now, which will help me down the road.
How has UE been affordable for you?
UE provided me with many scholarship opportunities to help with the cost of attending. The factor that influenced my decision was the ability to finish my degree in six years rather than seven. This means that I will be starting my first year of PT school in the senior year of my undergraduate degree, and I will still be eligible for my scholarships. This opportunity is not provided by many universities, so it was a no-brainer.
Why do you recommend UE? What advice would you share with incoming students?
I recommend UE because of the close-knit community. I know that the professors and staff truly care about my education, and it is nice to see so many friendly faces on campus. The biggest piece of advice that I can give is to get involved. Meeting people early in your college years can impact your overall college experience. I am so grateful that I have gotten involved and had the opportunity thus far to meet so many amazing people.