Tori Vance

Class Year: 2027
Hometown: Fishers, Indiana
Why did you choose to attend UE?
When I visited, I saw the close-knit community of students and faculty. The scholarships were also great, and the direct-entry program helped me make the decision.
How has your program/major prepared you for a future career?
The Nursing program and faculty members are excellent at preparing me for a future career in nursing. Since UE has a direct-entry program, a student starts taking nursing classes to learn about the history of nursing, nursing organizations, health policy, and therapeutic communication. Their freshman year, sophomore year, and beyond are when clinicals begin.
What activities or organizations have you been/were you involved with at UE? How have these impacted you and your college career?
I have been involved in many things, including SNAP, BSU, Faith in Action, Admissions Ambassadors, Orientation Leader, and the Nursing Diversity Initiative. I love being a part of all these organizations and initiatives because they have allowed me to participate in various groups across campus, allowing me to see and hear different perspectives.
What makes UE a special place? How did our campus shape your college experience?
UE is very integrated into the Evansville community. The campus shaped my college experience because it allowed me to explore what was on campus and pushed me to explore what was off campus in the community. As a result, I've been able to connect with the Evansville community in my freshman year.
What advice would you share with incoming students?
Take one day at a time. It unbelievably goes by super fast, and you'll miss it all if you don't look up and observe your surroundings.
How has UE been affordable for you?
I was fortunate enough to receive the Fellows Scholarship as a Fellow Scholar, which covers my tuition. It has made it so that it is affordable to attend UE.
Did you visit UE before deciding to attend? How did it shape your college decision?
Yes, I did visit on a purple visit day during my junior year. What was unique about it is that I got to talk to people who were in my academic department and see a student panel. This aided in my decision to come to UE. I also came to Road Trip, which I highly encourage every student to attend. There, I got to meet my roommate and people from my major, which made my first day of classes fun because I knew people who were going to be in my classes.